April 7, 2008

Jack says his first words...

I was watching CNN on the TV--a story about Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and the socialist party--when Jack hoisted a fist aloft and exclaimed his first words:

"Viva la revolucion!"

It was powerful. He maintained the vigil for the duration of the piece. The CNN story continued, and Jack's arm refused to come down.

Finally, after the piece ended, I asked Jack if his arm was getting tired. He acknowledged it was.

"Why don't you give the resistance movement a small break?" I asked. "I think your comrades in arms will be there, still spoiling for a fight, after a diaper change."

He gave me a suspicious glance, weighing my motives.

Finally, the fight drained from his brow. He sighed, and his little arm--along with the lofty ideals it stood for--lowered into his lap. Then, as I leaned in to pick him up, he raised up on his Boppy, his face turning toward mine:


"Yeah, little man?"

"Can I wear my camouflage pajamas to bed?"

"Yeah sure. That sounds like a fine idea."

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